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How To

Setting Up New Xcode Project


Setting Up New Xcode Project

Pre Dev:

-Add analytics

-Setup Glyphish(Icons)

-Optimze images with Image optim

-Create app architecture

-Create Wire Frame

-Create App Flow&Outline

-Set development strategy

-Define minimum OS version

-Create Storyboards and mockups

-Setup git(config/commit/push/status)

-Create App ID/Certificate/App account on iTunes-U

-Check development cost:

App Cost Calculator —…

Kinvey —…



Github Change Log: github_changelog_generator -u

SwiftFormat: swiftformat .

Swiftlint: swiftlint

Jazzy: jazzy

Cocoapods: pod init

Gource: gource

lolcommits: lolcommits –enable –delay 1 –animate 10

–Create App Logo:

–Create 1024×1024 Logo using Sketch

–Insert into makeappicon app or to get all icons needed from you 1024×2024 Logo

–Drag all images into app icons


-Setup Bots

-Setup Fastlane

-Setup CocoaPods

-Start Unit testing

-Add watch target

-Setup Needed targets

-Add(Script files)

-Start Unit testing

-Setup Folders Structure

-Create File Groups

-Set app-scheme-Diagnostics Settings(Enable):

–Adress Sanitizer

–Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer

–Main Thread Checker

–Zombie Objects

-Add address sanitizer

-Set baseline for instruments

-Add logger set up(Swifty Beaver)

-Setup documentation Mark-Up: Jazzy

-Setup SwiftLint

-Add exception for debugger by adding exception to break point on obj-c/throw(add action: po $arg1)


-Setup Dash

-Setup Slender

-Setup Source Tree: 

-Setup QuickTime

-Setup Core Data Editor

-Set up Spark Inspector

-Setup BuildTimeAnalyzer For Swift(Mesures files build times)

–Add flag to all targets: -Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies

–Clean – Build – Than results are shown

–IOS App:

-Setup  Mocks

-Setup Sketch

-Setup Fauxpas


Creating Pitch Deck 


Pitch deck

-28pt font

-3-4 bullets per pages

-Consider the audience getting the information

-Don’t get stuck on solution side

-Less than 10 pages

-Use a good background no stock images or bland cards

-Come up with metaphors, similes, analogies to demonstrate your business
:Company logo, name, and title



1:Elevator pitch(30 secs how it works)

2:The problem your solving

3:Solution: the solution to problem

4:Addressable market(market that your product is I. How big, how much, how much you can take)

5:Revenue Model: how it’ll make money

6:Management: and team & board

7:Competition: and competitive advantages

8:Development Process: How will this product progress. Timeline and expectations.

9:Contact information


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