Note Taking Tips



-Create bullet points and fill out information under categories

-Write conclusions

-Teach others

-Review later

-list numbers or values you should remember
Methods available:

-OUTLINE Method:

•Straight forward. Based on hierarchy, discipline and really simple.

•Based on bullet points(high level and low level)
-CORNELL Method:

•Divided into 3 sections(cue, note taking, summary)

-MIND MAP method

•Create a single subject in middle categorize branches that lead to value branches
-FLOW Method:

•Creating an entity of notes, images, and markup ups to learn the subject there and create a mental image of how you view the topics

•Helps accelerates learning


•During a video or audio put notes during the timeline of the video


48 Laws of Power Detailed Excerpt

48 Laws of Power Detailed Excerpt


This list was created by Andre Villanueva reading through the book and collecting all highest quality Laws to the power, Reversals, and quotes of each law.



Keys to Power:

Always make those above you  feel comfortably superior to you. In your desire to please and impress them, but do not go to far in displaying your talents because it can do the opposite.

People have insecurities when you display your talents you stir up all kinds of manifestations of insecurities

Being the master favorite doesn’t mean you can do what you want. Remember the rule “Never Outshine The Master”, you will regret it

It is not a weakness to disguise hour strengths if in the end they lead to power. By being outshine you remain in control instead of being a victim of their insecurities. This will all come in handy the day you decide to rise above your inferior status.


“Make your master seem more brilliant then he is and you will reach the heights of power”

“Outshining the master is the worst mistake to make”

“Make your master shine greatly in front of others will surely have you promoted”


You can not worry about upsetting every person you come across but must be selectively cruel.  If your superior is a falling star there is nothing to fear from outshining him.  DO NOT BE MERCIFUL, your master had no such way on his cold blooded way to the top.

If he is weak, discretely hasten his downfall. Outdo, outsmart, out charm him at key moments.

If he is very weak, let nature take it’s course. Do not risk outshining a feeble inferior it might seem cruel or spiteful

If your master is firm in his position, but you feel your more capable, bide your time and be patient.


Keys to Power:

You do not know your friends as good as you imagine. They covet up their unpleasant qualities as to not offend each other

When you hire a friend you gradually discover the qualities he has kept hidden away from you.


“Be more wary of friends, they will betray you faster for they are easily aroused by envy”

“Men are more ready to repay an injury then a benefit, because gratitude is a burden revenge is a pleasure”

“The more gifts and favors you supply to revive a friendship, the less gratitude is received”

“Keep friends for friendship, but work with skilled and competent”

“Never pick a fight with someone your not sure you can defeat”


It is not smart to mix work with friends, but sometimes the affection the friend has makes them take more risks to get something done to someone who isn’t.

Using a friend as a scapegoat is the best as no one would assume you would do such a thing


Keys to Power:

Keep people off balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions

Honesty is more likely to offend people it’s better to tell them what they want to hear

If you yearn for power lay honestly aside and learn to hide your intentions

Human nature: Believe in what we see and hear. Use this to you advantage and use decoys to hide your intentions

Hide your intentions not by closing up(with risking of appearing  secretive and making people suspicious), but by talking endlessly about your goals and desires-just not your real ones. You kill three birds with one stone you seem friendly, open, and trustworthy, your intentions are concealed and send your foes on time consuming wild goose chase.

Another powerful tools is false sincerity.  To make it seem truthful, share how honesty and truthfulness means A lot to you in social values. Do this as publicly as possible.

Extravagant words and gestures raise suspicion. Instead envelope the mark in the familiar, the banal, the harmless.

Conceal your purpose and hide your progress; do not disclose the extent of your design until they cannot be opposed, until the battle is over.


“If they have no clue what you are up to they can not prepare a defense. “

“Most people are open books, they say how they feel and blurt out their opinions at every opportunity and constantly reveal their plans and intentions”

“It takes patience and humility to dull your brilliant colors, to put on the mask of inconspicuous. Do not despair at having to wear such a bland mask-It is offer your unreliability that draws people to you and make you appear a person of power.”


If you own a reputation of being deceitful, none of these tactics will work as they are a pattern and almost always expected. In this case it is better to own up and appear to be the honest rogue. You will be admired for your frankness and best of all able to continue your deceitful tactics.

Sometimes grabbing A lot of attention through humor an entertainment can be used as a smoke screen, but it can’t be used indefinitely. People would soon become suspicious and grow tired, then catch on.


Keys to Power:

The less you say, and vague, and ambiguous your comments are, the more powerful you seem.

Once the words are out you can not take them back.   Keep them under control.  Be particularly careful with sarcasm.  The momentary satisfaction you gain with your biting words will be outweighed by the price you pay.


“When trying to impress people with words the more you say the more common you appear and less in control”

“Even if you are saying something banal, it will seem more original if your more vague  and open-minded. “

“Powerful people intimidate and impress by saying less”

“The more you say the more you are to say something foolish”

“Short answers and silence will put people on the defensive and they will in nervously filling the silence with all kinds of comments that will reveal valuable information about them  and weaknesses”


Silence can arouse suspicion and insecurity especially in your superiors

Sometimes you can play the fool and talk and talk to make you less suspicious using it as a smoke screen to get information you want


Keys to Power:

Reputation is the cornerstone of power

Learn to open hole in the opponents reputation and then let the public opinion destroy them

In the beginning you must work to establish an outstanding quality either generosity, honesty or cunning.  This sets you apart and gets people to talk about you

A solid reputation increases your presence and exaggerates your strength

Once your reputation is solid don’t let yourself become angry or defensive from slanderous comments from your enemies. That reveals insecurity and no confidence in your reputation.

Don’t waste your time with those with smaller reputation as it can ruin yours, but it’s wise to bring those down with bigger reputations as they have more to lose, but if not successful you can ruin yours so make sure your attacks are sure to work(don’t seem to desperate)

When your reputation is solid it is best to defend your self with subtle/nonchalant replies. Makes you look confident and not worried about your foes and then again making them look less powerful(“The mighty lion toys with the mouse any ferociousness will put his strength in question)


“Through reputation alone you can intimidated and win, however, once it slips you are vulnerable and will be attacked on all sides”

“One awkward or sudden change in your appearance  can prove disastrous”


There is no possible reversal. Reputation is critical. There are no exceptions to this law. Perhaps not caring what other people think of you, you gain a reputation for insolence and arrogance. That can be a valuable image in itself. But since we live in a society which depends on the opinions of others, there is nothing to be gained by neglecting your reputation. By not caring on how you are perceive you let others decide this for you. Be the master of your fate and reputation

If your reputation is stained associate with someones whose image counteracts yours, using their good name to whitewash and elevate your 48 Laws Of Powers


Keys to Power:

Everything is judged by appearance, the unseen counts for nothing.

You must attach your name, reputation, and image to a quality or characteristic that stands out from the rest

Do not discriminate different types of attention, in the end it will work to your favor, it being good or bad

Once in the lime-light you must constantly renew it by adopting and varying your methods of courting attention if you don’t people will grow tired and take you for granted

If you find your self in a position where you can’t get A lot of attention, then attack the most visible, famous, powerful person

Do not imagine that to create an air of mystery you have to be grand and awe-inspiring. Mystery that is woven into your day-to-day demeanor, and is subtle, has that much more power to fascinate and attract attention.

By simply holding back,  keeping silent, occasionally uttering ambiguous phrases, deliberately appearing inconsistent, and acting odd in subtlest of ways, you will emanate and aura of mystery.

If your social position restricts your from wrapping your actions in mystery, you must at least need to learn to make yourself less obvious. Every now and again act in a way that does not mesh with person’s perception of you, this way you keep those around you on the defensive.


“Make your self a magnet of attention appearing larger, more colorful, more mysterious than the bland timid masses”

“Society craves larger than life figures, those who stand out. People who stand out above the general meritocracy.”


In the beginning you must court attention at all cost, but as you rise higher you must constantly adapt and change it up or the public will grow tired

Do not let your air of mystery change your reputation to one of deceit. The mystery you create must seem one of a game, playful, and nonthreatening

The attention you create must never offend or challenge the ones above you, not at any rate if they are secure

Never appear overly greedy for attention as that signals insecurities and insecurities drives away power


Keys To Power:

use others to gain. Be the vulture, do the less work but benefit the most.

Once you have established a power base become a vulture and save your self time and energy


“Use the wisdom, knowledge , legwork of others to further your cause, not only will it save you time and strength but give you a god like aura of speed and efficiency. “

“The fool says” I learn from my mistakes.” while the wise learns from his”


Make sure your position is unshakable and your power is established or you will look deceiving trying to steal the limelight from others

Understand when giving others credit benefits you

It is important to not be greedy when you have a master above you


Keys to Power:

Force others to act(come to you), puts you in control

When you force others to act you are in control

You exhaust yourself when your always doing the attacking and as your power grows so does your enemies putting you in a position of fighting off every direction till your exhausted. You’ll save more energy making them come to you abandoning their plans

Manipulation is. Dangerous game, once he suspect he is being manipulated it becomes harder and harder to control him.  But when u make your opponent come to you, you give the illusion that he is the one controlling the situation


“The essence of power is the ability to keep the initiative”

“The aggressive person is rarely in full control”

“The most effective thing is to sit back and be calm, let others become frustrated with the traps you set play for long-term victory instead of a quick win”

“Master your emotions, never be influenced by anger, however you must play to people natural tendency to react angrily when pushed and baited”


If you have time on your side and you and your enemy is at equal strength then deplete it with them coming to you, if time isn’t on your side and your enemy is weaker, waiting will only give them time to recover you would want to strike quickly and give them no chance to think, quickly demoralizing and finishing them off


Keys to Power:

Choose your battles carefully, if it does not matter in the long run if the person agrees with you, or if time or their own experience will not make them understand you then it is best to not even give a demonstration just walk away

The problem with trying to prove a point or win a victory through argument is in the end you don’t know how it affects the people you are arguing with. They may resent you.


“Even the bet argument has no solid foundation”

“No one can argue with the demonstration of proof”

“The truth is generally seen, rarely heard”


Verbal agreement has one vital part in the realm of power. To distract and cover your tracks when your practicing deception or are caught in a lie.

When caught in a lie the more emotional and certain you seem the less deceitful you seem.


Keys to Power:

There are those who draw the misfortune and unhappiness to themselves by their destructive actions and unsettling effects on others(It would be great to help them but usually their destructive patterns becomes apart of us;therefore bringing us down)

In the game of power the people you associate with is critical. If you associate with infectors your time and energy will be wasted

Do not try to help the infected they will stay unchanged.

You can declare the infected by their pass, the broken relationships, misfortune, and constant unhappiness(avoid these people)

Associate with those who have the great qualities you lack, you will become infected and learn to use these qualities

Never associate with those that share your defects


“Emotional state is as contagious as a disease”

“You may feel that you are helping the drowning man, but you are only precipitating your own disaster”

“The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on to themselves; they will also draw it on to you(Associate with happy and fortunate instead)”


There is nothing to be gained to associate yourself with those that infect you with their misery. There is only power and good fortune to be gained when associating with the fortunate


Keys to Power:

To maintain your independents you must always be needed and wanted

Make people depend on you for their happiness and prosperity and you have nothing to fear

Never teach them enough so they can’t do without you

The ultimate power is o get people to do as you wish. When they grant you this without you having to force or hurt them, you power is untouchable  The best way to achieve this position is to create a relationship of dependency

Do not believe that power is independence, power involves relationship between people

And if in reality you aren’t actually dispensable you should find a way to make you seem as you are

By holding people secrets Or information they wouldn’t want out you seal your fate with theirs

Do not think that your people dependency on you will make them like or love you, they may resent or fear you


“It is better to be feared than loved, fear you can control; love, never. Better to have others depend on you out of the fear of the consequences of loosing you


The weakness of making others depend on you, that you are in some measure dependent on them. And to not depend on anyone and becoming completely independent can cause self-destruction. Your enemies will gang up on you will you will one day be defeated no matter what your strength is.  


Keys to Power:

Once your selective honesty opens up a hole in their armor you can manipulate and deceive them at will

The essence of deception is distraction. Distracting  the people you’re trying to deceive give you the time and space to do something they won’t notice

An act of kindness, generosity, honesty, is the most powerful form distracting

It is also dangerous simply ask for what you need, no matter how politely; unless the person gains from it.  Otherwise the person might resent your neediness

On your first encounter with them is when it is best to use this selectiveness as humans our creatures of habit and first impressions last a long time. If someone thinks one thing of you in the beginning it will be hard to change that though of you for example honesty

If people catch on and see theory to your deceitfulness, their disappointed feeling of gratitude and warmth will turn into the most violent, hated, and mistrust


“Open hearten gestures of honesty and generosity brings down the guards of the most suspicious people”

“Give before you take it softens the ground, takes a bite out a future request, or just creates a distraction”


When you have a reputation of deceit, no amount of honesty or generosity  or kindness will fool people. In that case its better to just play the rogue because all honesty and kindness will be looked at suspicious just bringing the wrong type of attention towards you


Keys to Power:

If you need to turn to an alley for help, do nt remind him of your past assistance and good deeds; he will find a way to ignore you. Uncover something in your request or alliance with him that will benefit him and emphasize it out of proportion. He will respond enthusiastically when he sees something to be gained

In your quest for power you will constantly find your self in position asking for help from those more powerful then you. There is an art to asking for help, it depends on your ability to understand the person you are dealing with and not confuse your needs with theirs

Even the most powerful person is locked into the needs d his own, and if you don’t appeal to his self interest he sees at you as desperate or at best a waste of time

Self interest is the leveler that will move people, once they see you can in some way meet their needs or advance their cause their resistance to your call for help will vanish

You must train yourself to work your way through someones head, to see their needs and interest, get rid of screen of your own feelings that will obscure the truth


“The shortest and best way to make your fortune is to make people see clearly that it is in their best interest to promote yours.”


Some people will see an appeal to their self interest as ugly and ignoble. They actually prefer to exercise charity, mercy, and justice which is their way of feeling superior to you. Their interest is to be able to help, and not need anything from you(more public better) this is their interest. They will be turned off by self interest. Understand who you are dealing with and their interest that drives them


Keys to Power:

Ask indirect questions to get people to expose their weaknesses and intentions

In the realm of power, your goal is a degree of power over future events. The problem there is people won’t tell you their thoughts, emotions and plans as they try to hide the most critical information(weakness, ulterior motives, and obsessions).  You can’t predict their moves so the trick is to probe them without them finding out what you are up to.

The most common way of spying is using other people. The method is simple, powerful, but risky. But you have little control over the person doing the spying so it’s best to

Do the spying yourself and pose as a friend while secretly gathering information

Emphasize friendly chatter not valuable information


“If you have reason to beloved that someone is telling you a lie, act as you believe them an they will go on and sooner then later slip up and betray himself”

“By pretending to bare your heart, you will make others bare theirs”

“Truth is so precious that she should be attended to by a bodyguard of lies”


Just as you look to spy on your smokies they will look to do the same. So giving false information is a potent weapon in keeping them off tract


Keys to Power:

The only piece and security you can hope from, from your enemies is through their disappearance   


“All great leaders know that a feared enemy should be crushed completely”

“More is lost through stopping halfway then through total annihilation”

“The enemy will recover and seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but spirit”

“Enemies will revenge the selves of small injuries, but not on severe ones, so the injuries we give them must be ones were we shouldn’t fear their vengeance”


This law should very rarely be ignored, but sometimes it is best to let the weak enemy destroy himself


Keys to Power:

The more you are seen and heard the more common you appear

Everything in this world depends on absence and presence. A strong presence will draw power an attention to you, but to much presence creates the opposite effect

Create a pattern of presence and absence

Make what you are offering the world rare and hard to find, and you instantly increase it’s value


“Too much circulation makes the price go down”

“Love never dies of starvation, but indigestion”


This law only appeals when a certain level of power has been attained. The need to withdraw only comes hen you have established your presence. Leave to early and you will be forgotten


Keys to Power:

Predictability gives people a sense of control. Turn the tables, be deliberately unpredictable

Behavior that has no purpose or consistency will keep them off balance, and wear them selves out trying to explain your moves

A person of power instill a kind of fear by deliberately  unsettling those around him keeping the initiative on his side


“Nothing is more predictable then the sudden and unpredictable”


Sometimes predictability can work in your favor. By creating a pattern people get familiar and comfortable with you could lull them to sleep

Unpredictability Can work against you sometimes especially if your in a subordinate position. There are times when you should make people feel comfortable and settled around you rather then disturbed

Too much unpredictability can be seen as a sign of indecisiveness or some serious psychic problems

Patterns are powerful and can terrify people by disturbing them. Such power should only be used  with good judgement or sense


Keys to Power:

A fortress seems the safest but isolation exposes you to more dangers then it protects you from; it cuts you off from valuable information and makes you conspicuous and an easy target. Better to circulate around people and find allies.

Isolation can cause paranoia

In moments of uncertainty and danger, you need to fight this desire to turn inward, instead make yourself more accessible, seek out old allies and make new ones. Force yourself into more and more different circles. This has been a trick if powerful people for centuries.

Never imagine yourself so elevated that you can cut your self off from the lowest echelon

People view isolation as an insult and reason to be rebellious


“To make yourself powerful you must put yourself at the center of things”


Without being able to keep an ear in the streets you will be unable to protect yourself. Isolation is hardly ever good.

The more your isolated the harder it is to breakout of it’s quicksand without you even noticing.  If you need time to think, then use isolation use as a last resort and only in small doses.


Keys to Power:

There are many different type of people in this world and you could never assume that they will react to your strategies in the same way

Choose your victims and opponents carefully

The ability to measure people and know who you are dealing with is the most important skill of all in gathering and maintaining power. Without it you will offend the wrong people and choose the wrong victims

Study people weaknesses, the chinks in their armor, their pride and insecurities   . Get to know them in and out before you decide to deal with them

In judging and measuring your opponents NEVER rely on your  instincts. You will make great mistakes if you rely on such inexact indicators. Nothing can substitute for gathering concrete information. Second: never trust appearances any serpent can show a kind heart. Never trust the versions that people give them selves it is utterly unreliable.


“Deceive or outmaneuver someone and they will sped the rest of their lives seeking revenge”


What possible ignorance can come from ignorance of other people. Learn to to tell the difference between lambs from lions or you will pay the price



Keys to Power:

By maintaining your independence you become the master of others

Play people against one another, make them pursue you

Refusing o commit to a person or group is a skill of power

When you hold yourself back, you incur not anger, but a kind of respect. You instantly seem more powerful because you make yourself ungraspable, rather then succumbing to the group, or the relationship as most people do.

This power only grows with time. As your reputation for independence grows more and more people will desire you. Wanting to be the one to get you to commit

Desire is like a virus, if we see that a person is desired by others, we tend to find the person desirable also

The moment you commit the magic is gone and you are seen like everyone else. People will try various things to get you to commit favors, gifts, etc all to put you under obligation. Encourage the attention, stimulate their interest, but do not commit at any cost.  Accept the gift and favors if you want but maintain your aloofness. You can’t inadvertently allow yourself to feel obligated to anyone.

The goal is to not seem that you are incapable of commitment, but to lure them in with the possibility of possessing you. You have to bend to their attention occasionally, but never too far

Keep yourself free of emotional entanglements and view all those around you as pawns as your rise to the top

Keep your emotions disengaged

Do not allow any compassion or putty for people drag you into their battles. On the other hand you can not just stand aside because that will cause needless offense


“It is the fool who always rushes to take sides. Do not commit to any side or cause ,but yourself

“People who rush to the help of others tend to gain little respect in the process, for their help is so easily obtained”

“Do not allow people to get you into their small petty fights, seem interested and supportive, but find a way to remain neutral.”


Both parts of this law will turn stains you, if you take it too far.  The game proposed here is delicate an difficult

If you play too many parties against another they can see through your deception and gang up against you.  If you keep you growing number of suitors waiting to long you will inspire not desire but distrust

Always maintain you independence and keep yourself from getting emotionally involved


Keys to Power:

If you make you victims feel smart(smarter then you are), once convinced they will never feel you abe ulterior motives

The feeling that someone is more intelligent then us is almost intolerable

It is critical to never inadvertently insult a persons brain power

In general always make people feel they are more smarter and sophisticated then you are. They will keep you around because you make them feel better about themselves


“The easier they think it is to prey on you, the easier you can turn the tables”


To reveal the true nature in your intelligence rarely never pays; you should get in the habit of downplaying it at all times

If people learn that you are actually smarter then you are they will respect you more for being discreet then for making your brilliance show

At the start of your climb to the top you cannot play too stupid you have to let your superiors know in a subtle way that you are smarter then the competition. As you climb the latter you must damper you brilliance to some degree

One situation that pays to do the opposite is to cover up deception with the show of intelligences

In matter of smarts as in most things, appearance is what counts, if you seem to have authority and  knowledge, people will believe what you say


Keys to Power:

When you are weaker, never fight for honors sake. Choose surrender instead

Surrender gives you time to recover, to torment and irritate your conquer, time to wait for his power to wane

Do not give him the satisfaction of fighting and defeating you-Surrender first

Make surrender a tool of power

What gets us into trouble the most in the realm of power is over reaction

It is better to surrender to a more powerful opponent then to fight and surely be defeated. Also do not run as the aggressor will catch up. It is better to surrender an plan to defeat your opponent

If you find yourself temporarily weakened use the surrender tactic to bring yourself back up; it teaches you patients and self-control-Key skills in this game


“Use surrender to gain access to your enemy”


The point of surrendering is to save your hide for a later date where you can reassert yourself

The surrender tactic is to avoid sure defeat or destruction, but sometimes the enemy is not that forgiving or lenient. The only thing positive about fighting through a sure defeat is a possible respect from your peers, but you are defeated and your reputation as far as power goes is permanently scared. When power desserts you, use the surrender tactic as the power will swing back your way eventually and you would be alive to see it.


Keys to Power:

Conserve your forces and energy by keeping them focused at their strongest point


“You gain more by finding a rich mine and digging it deeper, then to spread your sources to more shallow mines

“Intensity beats ex-tensity every time”

“Intellect is a magnitude of intensity, not a magnitude of intensity”

“Concentrate on a single goal, a single task and beat it to submission.”

“Perfection resides in quality, not quality”


There are dangerous in concentration where distribution is the proper tactical move

When fighting an stronger army concentrating your forces only makes you a easier target

Tying yourself to a single source of power has one preeminent danger: If that person dies, leaves, or falls from grace, you suffer

In cases when you may need protection, then, it wise yo entangle your self with several sources of power

Even if you concentrate on a single force you must be prepared for the day that it will be gone


Keys to Power:

The perfect courtier thrives around a world where everything

Revolves around power and political dexterity

He has mastered the art of indirection, yields to his superiors, and asserts power over  others in the most obliques and graceful manner

Learn and apply the the laws of courtship and their will be no limit to how far you can reach in court

Laws Of Courtship:

1. Avoid Ostentation(bring attention to deeds, wealth, and bable about your self)

2. Practice Non-Chalance(never seem to work to hard, make your accomplishments  seem effortless)

3. Be Frugal With Flattery(To much of anything(flattery) looses value. So don’t over due it. You’ll look suspicious)

4. Arrange To Be Noticed(Pay attention to your physical appearance and find a subtle distinctive way to make it stand out)

5. Alter Your Style And Language In Accordance To Then Person You Are Dealing With(Mimic these things with the people you deal with to fit in and be accepted)

6. Never Be The Bearer Of Bad News( Bring only good news and your approach will gladden your master)

7. Never Affect Friendliness Or Intimacy With Your Masters( They don’t want a friend as a subordinate they want a subordinate. Never act as if you are on the best of terms)

8. Never Criticize Those Above You Directly( You must learn to couch your advise and criticism as indirect and as politely as possible)

9. Be Frugal In Asking Those Above You For Favors(Nothing Irratates a master more then have to reject someones resist. Do not ask for favors of others behalf)

10. Never joke about appearances or taste( avoid any joke about taste ad appearances, especially with those above you two highly sensitive areas)

11. Do Not Be The Court Cynic( Express admiration for the good work of others     . If you constantly criticize your subordinates that criticism will rub off on you)

12. Be Self Observant( you must train your mind to see what others see in you(actions))

13. Fit The Spirit Of Times( Your spirit and way of thinking must keep up with the times, even if your times offends your sensibility)

14. Be Te Source Of Pleasure(This is critical.  Human nature obviously makes us flee the unpleasant and distasteful, while charm and delight draw us like a mouth to a flame)

#25: Re-Create Yourself

Keys to Power:

Do not except the roles that society creates for you

Re-create an identity that demands attention and never bores the audience

Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures a actions- your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger then life

The first step in re-creating your self is self consciousness- being aware of your self as an actor and taking control of appearances and emotions

People who wear their heart out on their sleeves in society is tiresome and embarrassing

One of the most important elements immune rhythm of drama is suspense

The key to keeping audience on the edge of their seat is to let events unfold slowly, then speeding them up at te right moment, according to the pattern and tempo you control

Over reacting can be counter productive

Learn to play many roles in whatever the moment requires- adept to all those you meet


“The bad actor is one that is always sincere”


Their is no reversal to this law


Keys to Power:

You must seem a paragon of civility and efficiency  

It is wise to use the most innocent and weak as your scapegoat as try can not fight back, and if so they’re plead won’t likely be taking over your of established power, but make sure you remain the victim

If they scapegoat seems to weak and his punishment too cruel you may end up the victim of your own device. Sometimes you should find a powerful scapegoat, one who will elect less sympathy in the long run

As a leader you would think you working hard shows power in reality, it shows weakness-Why at you working so hard? Are you not capable of the work needed to be working so hard? Is questions that would go through the minds of the public

Sometimes you beed hard, and dirty work done. When this time comes find the car paw and then get rid ignite when your done


“Your hands are never soiled by mistakes and nasty deeds”

Use there ad scapegoats to maintain a clean slate

“You may loose a friend or aide, but in the long term scheme of things, it is more important to hide your mistakes then hold on to someone who will one day maybe betray you”

“All men make mistakes, but the wise man conceals his blunders, while the fool makes his public”

“Truely powerful people keep their hands clean”

“Do everything pleasant yourself, everything unpleasant through others”


If you are caught and seen as the manipulator. Your hands will be seen everywhere and you will be blamed for misfortunes thy you didn’t even have any part off

Once the truth is revealed, events will snowball beyond your control

If you have to use a cats paw or scape goat in an action of great consequences, be careful, so much can go wrong. It is wiser to use these people in more innocent endeavors where mistakes and miscalculations will cause no serious harm

There are moments when you should take the blame yourself and ask for forgiveness. If you have the power and you secure. Just not too often

Sometimes you want to appear as the agent of punishment to install fear into your subordinates. Playboy sparingly as if you was to play it too much, fear will turn into resentment and hatred which will spark problems that will one day bring you down


Keys to Power:

People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of that desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow

Keep your words vague but full of promises

Emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking

Offer a simple solution that will cure their problems, but deliver your speech correctly-Full of enthusiasm, simple, but new change.

5 Step Cult Creation

1. Keep It Vague, Keep It Simple( attract attention, not through actions but words which are deceptive. Be very vague, but new, fresh, exciting which will lure them in)

2. Emphasize The Visual And The Sensual Over The Intellectual( Two dangers will present themselves once people start to gather around, boredom and skepticism. Amuse the bored and word of the cynics. Entertain all 5 senses, not only will you attract more followers, but also occupy your followers mind from seeing the holes and ridiculousness in your ideas)

3. Borrow The Forms Of Organized Religion To Structure The Group ( Once your cult begins to grow you should organize it through an elevating

And comforting way. Create rituals, rank them, give them names and titles, have them sacrifice to your cause that will increase your power.)

4. Disguise Your Source Of Income:

Your group has grown and have a church like form. You are now collecting money from your followers, but you should never seem hungry for money and the power it brings. You disguise the source of your income. They will see the wealth and you as a result of your belief system. Not knowing it’s from their pockets it comes from, but they would follow every step thinking the truths of your beliefs is the way to this wealth.

5. Set Up Us Versus Them Dynamic:

Make your followers believe they are apart of a exclusive club, unified by the bond of common goals, then to strengthen this bond, manufacture the notion of a devious enemy that’s out to ruin you. Any person out to bring out your secrets will be these people. If you have no ebonite create one


“The charlatan achieves his great power by simply opening a possibility for Ment to believe what they want to believe”


A group is often easier to deceive then an individual, but with that if the group sees through you, you don’t face an angry individual, but an angry crowed which will tear you to pieces


Keys to Power:

If you are unsure of a course action do not do attempt it.  Your doubts and hesitation would infect your execution.

In seduction hesitation is fatal


The Bolder The Lie The Better:

The sheer audacity of the story makes it more credible, distracting attention from it’s inconsistencies

Lions Circle The Hesitant Prey:

People have a sense for the weak. If immune first encounter you compromise or back down you bring out the lion in people. Even in those who aren’t bold characters.

Boldness Strikes Fear, Fear Creates Authority:

The bold moves make you seem stronger and more powerful then you are. If it comes suddenly, stealthy, and swiftly of that of a snake, it inspires that much more fear. By intimidating with a bold move you establish a precedence: with every encounter people would be on the defensive

Going Halfway, With A Half Heart Digs You A Deeper Grave:

If you enter an actions with less then total confidence, you set up obstacles in your own path. When a problem arises you will grow confused, seeing options where there are none, inadvertently creating more problems

Hesitation Creates Gaps, Boldness Obliterates Them:

When you take time to think, you allow others time to think also. Your timidity infects people with awkward energy, and elicits embarrassment . Bold action leave others no space to doubt or worry

Audacity Separates You From The Heard:

What draws attention, draws power. We can not keep our eyes off the audacious-we can’t wait to see their next bold move


“Timidity is dangerous”

“Any mistakes you create through audacity is easily fixed with more audacity”

“Everyone admires the bold, no one admires the timid”

“Hesitation puts obstacles in your way, boldness removes them”


Boldness is a tactical instrument to be used at the right moment

To go through life armed only with audacity will grow tiring and also fatal. You would offend too many people as does those with no control over their boldness.

You can use timidity as a tool to lure people in to latter pounce on them with boldness


Keys to Power:

The ending is everything, plan allege way to it, taking into account all the possible consequences, obstacles, and twist of fortune; that may reverse your hard work and give glory to others

By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and will know when to stop

So much of power is not what you do, but what you not do not let vague plans lead you into trouble

Plan in detail before you act-do

Do not e swayed by the happy ending in your mind

When you see several steps ahead and plan to the end, you will no lover be tempted by emotion or desire to improvise


“Do nothing without a regard to the consequences”

“The ending is everything, it is what determines who gets the money, the prize, the glory”


If you are locked into a plan to rigidly you will be unable to deal with sudden shifts of fortune

Once you have examined the future possibilities and decided on your target, you must build in alternatives and be open to new routes toasted your goal

Most people loose less from over planning then from vagueness and a tendency to improvise constantly in the face of circumstance  

It really isn’t a reversal to this law, it’s better to plan things to the end then to face whatever comes your way and to improvise


Keys to Power:

Your actions must seem natural and executes with ease. All the toil and practice that goes into them, and also the clever tricks must be concealed

Avoid the temptation of showing how hard you work-it only raises question

Teach no one your tricks or they will be used against you

Power depends vitally on appearance and the illusion you create

We want the world to know how hard we worked, and want it and our cleverness applauded, even sympathy the hours of work put in-control this, because often we get the opposite of what we wanted

Because you finished your accomplishment with ease and grace people suspect if you tried hard you could do more which not only increases their admiration for you, but installs a touch of fear


“We all admire achievements of unbelievable feat, but if it is accomplished naturally and gracefully then our admiration increases ten-Fold”

“The more mystery surrounds your actions the more awesome your power seems


If your too enthusiastic to conceal your work, it creates and unpleasant almost paranoiac  impression-Make it more of a game in hiding your work to make it more pleasant for people to deal with

Sometimes showing your work can prove worth while. Depending on the publics taste, and the times in which you operate

As long as the partial disclosure of the tricks and techniques are perfectly planned, rather then the need to uncontrollably blab, it is the ultimate in cleverness-It gives the audience a feeling of being superior and involved, even though most of what you do is concealed


Keys to Power:

Give people options that come out in your favor, whichever one they choose

People choosing between alternate options find it hard to believe they are being manipulate, or deceived; they cannot see that you are allowing then a small amount of free will in exchange  for a much more powerful imposition of your own will.

Misfortune that’s cause spontaneously by yourself is a lot less painful then those inflicted by others


“The best deception is one that seems to give the other person a choice”


In controlling the options it is vital to disguise your self as the agent of power and punishment

The tactic doesn’t work well for those with fragile reputations, and who can not operate to openly as it may incur suspicion, resentment,  and anger

It is rarely good to be seen as the one exerting power directly or forcefully. It is more effective to make them think they have a choice

By limiting peoples options, you sometime limit yours, in certain situations it is to your advantage to give your rivals a large degree of freedom


Keys to Power:

The truth is often avoided because it is ugly and unpleasant

Never appeal to truth an reality

People who can manufacture romance or conjure up fantasies are like oasis in the desert

Fantasy can’t operate alone, it needs the backdrop of boredom and lack of freedom and excitement to make it pop

Never be distracted by peoples perfect and glamorous portrait of themselves and lives; find out what really imprisons them

    Reality: Change is slow, it requires work, luck, and self-sacrifice, and Alot of patience

    Fantasy: Change is instant, it brings a total change in your fortune, bypassing luck, work, self-sacrifice, and time

The physicals hinders the power of fantasy

Being strang, exotic, and the unknowing and indecipherable are powers of fantasy

The key to power is distance. The fantasy should be ungraspable. Never let it become familiar.

Never be too exact in describing fantasy, keep it vague

The most detested person in the world is the one that always tells the truth


“To bring power, fantasy must seem to a degree unrealized literally unreal


Fantasy usually holds an element of play, people know they are being half duped but keeps the dream alive to escape the everyday boring life. So keep it light

Never come to the place when you actually have to produce results


Keys to Power:

The weakness is usually some sort of insecurity, an uncontrollable emotion or need

It can be a small secret pleasure, but however, once you have that thumbscrew you can turn into your advantage

    PAY ATTENTION TO GESTURES AND UNCONSCIOUS SIGNALS: it is not only what to look for it’s when and how to.

Always seem interested to listen and seem genuine and from the heart and the person will slip up.

    FIND THE HELPLESS CHILD:  Most weaknesses begins at child hood. Perhaps the child was indulged in a particular area or an emotional need went unfulfilled. As they get older the indulgence or deficiency may be buried but never forgotten. Knowing about a child hood needs gives you a powerful key to a persons weakness. A sign of this is when you touch on it a person will act as a child. If they went without something as a child supply it or if they reveal a secret taste or indulgence, indulge in it and they will be unable to resist you

    LOOK FOR CONTRASTS:  You will often find people weaknesses in the opposite of what they reveal to you. The shy are dying for attention, the uptight is dying for attention, the prudish is a lascivious soul

    FIND THE WEAK LINK:  Sometimes In your search for weakness it is not what that matters, but who that matters. Sometimes the guy on top isn’t the one in power, sometimes it’s the man behind the scenes. Win his favor and you will also win the kings favor. Even with a group of people acting as one, find the weakest and hopefully he would break

    FILL THE VOID:  The two emotional voids to feel is insecurity and unhappiness. The insecure are suckers for any social validation. For the chronically unhappy find the source of their unhappiness. These people are the least able to disguise their weakness. To feed their weakness brings great prolonged power.

    FEED AN UNCONTROLLABLE EMOTION:  The uncomtrlable emotion can be a paranoid fear-a fear disproportionate to the situation, or any base motive as lust, greed, vanity, hatred. People in these states usually can’t control them selves, which you can now do the controlling


“Everyone has a weakness a gap in the castle walls”


Playing with people weakness has one major problem: you may stir up a problem you can not control

Always look several steps ahead and remember people are emotional and less capable of such foresight

When playing on their emotions you can unleash more then you wanted. The timid becomes too adventurous, the shy needs too much attention, ect.

The more emotional the weakness the more able it is to get out of control

Know your limits, never never get carried away of your control over your victims. You are after POWER, not the thrill of control


Keys to Power:

The way you carry your self will often determine how you are treated

In appearing vulgar or common in the long run will have people disrespect you

By being confident of your powers you make yourself seem fit to wear the crown of a king

With all great deceivers there is a noteworthy occurrence that they owe to their power. In the actual act of deception they are overcome by belief in them selves: it is this which then speaks so miraculously and compellingly to those around them

As we get older and experience failure we start put up boundaries and limit our selves which gets stiffer as the years pass.

If we believe we are destined for great things, our belief will radiate outward. This outward radiance will infect people around us to believe we have a reason to feel as we do.

To separate your self from others you have to always carry the quality of dignity in all situations. Separating your self from the rest by demonstrating it in a dignified manner

To create the look of royalty:

1: Always make a bold demand.

    Set your price high

2: In a dignified, go for the rank  ___person. This puts you on the same ___level as that person

  3: Give a gift to a person above you.

     By giving a gift you make him your   ____equal. Give to get.

Never show doubt or loose your dignity


“A king respects himself and inspires the same sentiment into others”


Do not e arrogant as arrogance shows insecurity which is not something that will present power

Never try to raise your self by putting people down

Don’t loom to high above the crowd or you will be an easy target

You want to-radiate confidence not arrogance or distain

One dangerous source of this power is being overly vulgar then everyone else, but their will always be someone worse then you(younger:worse) that will replace you someday soon


Keys to Power:

Never seem to be in a hurry-hurrying betrays a lack of control over yourself, and over time

Always seem patient as you know everything will come to you eventually

Once we control our emotions toasted events time will move more slowly

Patience is the principle in the art of timing

Going slower makes what you doing more interesting


  1: LONG TIME: When you force the pace out of fear and impatience you create a whole nest of problems, which takes time to fix and you end up taking way more time then if you would have token your time. Slow down as time passes it will eventually present opportunities you did not expect.

Waiting involves not only controlling your emotions, but those of your colleagues also from mistaking action for power, in your rivals how ever it is good to encourage the opposite

  2: FORCED TIME: the trick in forcing time is to upset the time of others to make them abandon their own pace. Take away indecision from your foes, make them make up their minds and get to the point, instead of you playing on their excruciating terms

  3: END TIME: Patience is worthless unless combined with a willingness to fall ruthlessly on your enemy at the right moment.

You can wait as long as necessary for the conclusion, but when it comes you must act quickly.

Use speed to paralyze your opponents, cover up any mistake you might make, and impress people with your aura of authority and finality


“Learn to stand back when the time is not yet ripe, and then to strike fiercely when time has reached fruition “

“Perseverance is more effective then brute strength “

“Steady continues effort is irresistible, for this is the way which time captures and subdues the greatest power on the planet”

“The more slowly a story is told the shorter it seems”


There is no power to be gained in letting go of the rein of and adapting to anything time brings. To some degree you must guide time or you will be it’s merciless victim. Their is accordingly no reversal to this law.


Keys to Power:

By acknowledging a petty problem you give it credibility and existence

The more attention you pay to an enemy the stronger you make him

If there is something you want, but cannot have, show contempt for it, the less interested you seem the more powerful you seem

Friendships will grow stronger if you make people feel your friendship is not needed

If we think very highly of a person we should conceal it from him like a crime. It’s not gratifying but it is right.

Uncontrollable desire makes you seem week, unworthy; pathetic

Turn your back on what you want show your contempt and disdain. This will make your object react to you. Know desire you, just to have an effect on you. Perhaps to posses you, even hurt you

If they want to posses you, you’ve completed the first step in seduction, if they want to hurt you, you have unsettled your foe and make them play by your rules

Commitment and engagement weakens you

If your successful in crushing your puny enemy or even wounding it you create sympathy for the weak side. You can use this to your advantage when dealing with a bigger opponent to get sympathy from the public(as the underdog)

Never complain about your disappointments it will draw attention to your weakness, instead act like it never mattered

When you are attacked by an inferior make it known to the public the attack hasn’t even registered

When you have committed a blunder the best response is often to make less of your mistake by treating it lightly.

If we make excuses and denials when we are caught in a mistake or deception, we stir the waters and make the situation worse

Never show that something has affected you or that you are offended, that only shows acknowledgement of a problem


“A small mistake is usually made worse and more visible when you try to fix it”

“Many thing that seem to be important [At the time] turn to be of no account when they are ignored”

“The more you want something, the more you chase it, and the more it eludes you”

“Paying attention to a puny enemy makes you seem puny, and the longer it takes you to crush this enemy the larger the enemy seems”


Play the card of contempt with care and delicacy. Most small problems will vanish on their own if you leave them be, but some will grow and fester unless you attend to them

Ignore a person of inferior stature and the next time you see him he has become a serious vengeful rival

Whole showing contempt publicly, privately you need to keep and eye put to make sure this inferior doesn’t grow into a problem

Distinguish between potentially disastrous and mildly irritating


Keys to Power:

Striking imagery and grand symbolic gestures creates the aura of power

Words are dangerous instruments and often go astray

The visual strikes with an emotional power and immediacy that leaves no gaps for reflection and doubt. Like music it leaps right over rational, reasonable thoughts

Words put you in the defensive, if you have to explain yourself your power is already in question. The image on the other hand imposes itself as a given

Images discourage questions, creates forceful associations, resist unintended interpretations, communicates instantly, and forces bonds that transcends social differences

New combination of images and symbols that has not been seen together before demonstrates your new idea, message, or religion.

Use the symbols of the powerful as your own, more better those of the dead

Always fid a symbol to represent your cause, the more emotional the better

The best way to use symbols and images is to organize them into a grand

Spectacle that awes and distract them from unpleasant  realities

People love what is spectacular, grand, and larger then life


“Dazzle by appearance and no one will notice what your really doing”


No power is made available by ignoring images and symbols. There is no possible reversal to this law


Keys to Power:

If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior

It is better to blend in and nurture the common touch

Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who will appreciate your uniqueness

Disagreement is regarded as offensive.

Never combat another mans opinion, also avoid correcting people mistakes in conversation; no matter if your intentions are good because it is easy to offend people and difficult and almost impossible to mend back

If peoples conversations annoys you, look at it more as amusement of how absurd they sound, but make sure you don’t interfere

There are ideas and values that most people accept, and it is pointless to argue

Their are people who have a need to prove the superiority of their values and beliefs; in the end the convince a few and offend a great deal

Wise and clever people learn to display conventional behavior  and mouth conventional ideas without having yo believe in them

Once you have established some power you can try to correct people on their ideas

When you go into society, leave behind your own values and ideas, instead put on the mask that’s appropriate for the group you find yourself in

If you keep what you stand for vague they can’t criticize you as a hypocrite this is key to this power


“He lives well who conceals his self well”


The only time it is worth standing out is when you already stand out-When you have achieved an unshakable position of power, and can display your difference from others as a sign of distance between you


Keys to Power:

Making your enemy angry as you stay calm is an advantage

Tantrums do not intimidate or inspire loyalty. They only create doubts and uneasiness about your power

We don’t want to repress our anger and emotions as that drains energy and pushes us into strange behavior, instead we have to change our behavior to understand that nothing in the social realm or game of power is personal

Understand that emotional angry outbursts are actually an accumulation of past hurts, coming from you or either a foe, learn to control these out of proportion emotions and also understand it might not be exactly what you have done which makes this person so mad-don’t take it personal

If your enemy is one of a hot temper irritate him, if he is arrogant encourage his egotism. Creating situation which an enemy will react is a skill that is valuable. You can then find a spot to attack or bring the enemy where you want to crush him


“Anger and emotions are strategically counterproductive, you must always stay calm and objective”


Study the person before you victimize him. Some fish are better left at the bottom

Find a gap in your enemies strength, if there is no gap-if they are impossibly strong-you have nothing to gain and everything to loose by provoking them

There are times when well timed burst are effective, but your anger must be manufactured and under your control

Never stir up actions that will work against you in the long run

Use your thunderbolts rarely to make them more intimidating and meaningful. Use them too much and they loose their power   


Keys to Power:

What is offered for free is dangerous. It usually involves a trick or hidden obligation

By paying your own way you stay clear of gratitude, guilt, and deceit

It is often wise to pay the full price

Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating, as generosity is a strong magnet for power

Avoid the greedy before they infect you, or play on their greed to your gain


“When people will learn, I doubt that they will, that-they can’t get anything for nothing”

“Greed does not pay”


Bait your deceptions with the possibility of easy money-people are essentially lazy and want wealth to drop in their lap then to rather work for it- for a small fee teach them how to make millions


Keys to Power:

What appears first alwys saeem better and more original then what comes after

If you succeed a great man or have famous parents, you will have to accomplish double of what they did to outshine them

Do not get lost in their shadow or stuck in the past not of your own making. Establish your own name and identity by changing the course

The simplest  way yo escape the shadow of the past is simply belittle it

Never let your self be seen as following your predecessor path. If you do you will never surpass him.

People are afraid to Boldly break traditions, but they secretly admire those who do

People like to believe that people who became successful by doing a, b, and c if repeated they can obtain the same thing, but circumstances never repeat themselves

Don’t let prosperity grow you fat and lazy, you have to physiologically stay at square one as if you had nothing


“Slay the overbearing father, disparage his legacy, and gain your power by shining in your own way”

“You will have to accomplish twice as much to surpass a great man, if you was to step into his shoes”


You can use the shadow of a predecessor as a trick to gain power, ad once it is achieved you can then discard it to create your own

The past usually has qualities that would be stupid to reject out of a need to distinguish yourself

Making a display of doing things different from your predecessor can make you seem childish and in fact out of control, unless your actions have a logic of their own

If you don’t have the knowledge and intellect that’s needed to guide you to success an power then your better off learning and following the path of your predecessors who experience and knowledge was real which you can learn from

Remember that just as you try to rid your self of the past the young will do the same to you, don’t allow it and keep and eye out


Keys to Power:

Trouble can offer be pointed o a single strong person, if you allow this person room to operate, others will succumb to their influence. Do not wait for the trouble they cause to multiply, do not try to negotiate with them-they are irredeemable. Neutralize their influence by isolating or banishing them.

In a group power will concentrate in one or two people, for this is one area that will never change in human nature

Once you isolate the trouble maker in the group and point him out it will help a great deal in fixing the problem

Isolating the enemy power is key in the game of power

When trying to seduce people it is best to usually isolate them from their usual social context, this wu your presence is magnified

The powerful who isolate themselves because of the thought they are more then ordinary are more easily deceived also because they are isolated


“Strike at the source of the power and the sheep will scatter”

“Strike the shepherd and you greatly demoralize the sheep into beyond any rational measure”


Any harm you do to a man should be in such a way you don’t fear his revenge

If you isolate your enemy make sure he lacks the power to do the same

It’s best to isolate your foes in a position of superiority, in that case you have less to fear

Sometimes it is best to deal an keep people on your side then to isolate them where they can grow and later hurt you


Keys to Power:

Trying to force people will create a reaction that will eventually work against you

You must seduce others to want to move in your direction

The way to seduce others is to work on their individual psychologies and weaknesses

Soften up their resentment by working on their emotions, and what they hold dear and fear

Ignore the minds and heart of others and they will grow to hate you

In the game of power you are surrounded by people who have no reason to help you unless it is in their interest, and if you have nothing to offer their self-interest you are likely to make them hostile, as they look at you as another competitor, one more waste of their time

Rather then stepping back and probing when people meets someone to learn who they are, they like to argue, boast and make a show of their power and at the same time creating enemies

There is nothing more infuriating then having your individuality ignored, your own psychology unacknowledged. It makes you feel lifeless and resentful

Aim at primary emotions love, hate, jealousy. Once you move their emotion you have reduced their control

Creating pleasure of any kind will usually bring you success, as will allaying fears and providing or promising security

The quickest way to secure someones mind is to demonstrate Gotham as simply as possible, how an action will benefit them


“Persuasion is more effective then force”


There is no possible reversal to this law

#45:Preach The Need To Change, But Never Reform Too Much At One Time

Keys to Power:

Preach the need for change but never reform too much at once

People are creatures of habit. Too much change and they will revolt. Make a show of respect on the old ways



46:Never Appear To Perfect

Keys To Power:

Appearing to have no faults or weaknesses creates envy!

Envy creates silent enemies

It’s smart to occasionally display defects and admit to harmless vices to deflect envy and appear more human and approachable.




#47:Learn To Not Pass The Mark You Aimed For; In Victory Learn When To Stop

Keys To Power:

Do not go pass the mark you planned for. In victory learn when to stop!

In the heat of victory. Arrogance and overconfidence could push you pass the goal you aimed for and by going to far you make more enemies then you defeat.

Don’t allow success to go to your head. There’s no substitution for strategy and careful planing.

Set a goal and when you reach it stop


“You have to learn to controls yourself before you can control the horse”


48:Assume Formlessness

Keys Of Power:

Train yourself to not take anything personally

Never show defensiveness;when you act defensive you show your emotions revealing a clear form and your enemies will see this and continue to hit that spot

Let no one know what gets you or where your weaknesses lie

With these you will infuriate your opponents



Keys to POWER:

Never appear overly greedy for attention as that signals insecurities and insecurities drives away power

We want the world to know how hard we worked, and want it and our cleverness applauded, even sympathy the hours of work put in-control this, because often we get the opposite of what we wanted

The truth is often avoided because it is ugly and unpleasant

With all great deceivers there is a noteworthy occurrence that they owe to their power. In the actual act of deception they are overcome by belief in them selves: it is this which then speaks so miraculously and compellingly to those around them

Never seem to be in a hurry-hurrying betrays a lack of control over yourself, and over time

Patience is the principle in the art of timing

By acknowledging a petty problem you give it credibility and existence

The more attention you pay to an enemy the stronger you make him

If there is something you want, but cannot have, show contempt for it, the less interested you seem the more powerful you seem

If we make excuses and denials when we are caught in a mistake or deception, we stir the waters and make the situation worse

Never show that something has affected you or that you are offended, that only shows acknowledgement of a problem

The best way to use symbols and images is to organize them into a grand

Spectacle that awes and distract people from unpleasant  realities

If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior

There are ideas and values that most people accept, and it is pointless to argue

Their are people who have a need to prove the superiority of their values and beliefs; in the end they convince a few and offend a great deal

Wise and clever people learn to display conventional behavior  and mouth conventional ideas without having yo believe in them

We don’t want to repress our anger and emotions as that drains energy and pushes us into strange behavior, instead we have to change our behavior to understand that nothing in the social realm or game of power is personal

What is offered for free is dangerous. It usually involves a trick or hidden obligation

You must seduce others to want to move in your direction

The way to seduce others is to work on their individual psychologies and weaknesses

Soften up their resentment by working on their emotions, and what they hold dear and fear

Rather then stepping back and probing when people meets someone to learn who they are, they like to argue, boast and make a show of their power and at the same time creating enemies

Creating pleasure of any kind will usually bring you success, as will allaying fears and providing or promising security

The quickest way to secure someones mind is to demonstrate  as simply as possible, how an action will benefit them

If you can show you understand someone by reflecting their inmost feeling they will be entranced and disarmed because it happens so rarely


“Nothing is stable in the realm of power”

“The essence of power is the ability to keep the initiative”

“Concentrate on a single goal, a single task and beat it to submission.”

“Perfection resides in quality, not quantity”

“Do everything pleasant yourself, everything unpleasant through others”

“Everyone admires the bold, no one admires the timid”

“The best deception is one that seems to give the other person a choice”

“The most detested person in the world is the one that always tells the truth”

“Learn to stand back when the time is not yet ripe, and then to strike fiercely when time has reached fruition “

“A small mistake is usually made worse and more visible when you try to fix it”

“Paying attention to a puny enemy makes you seem puny, and the longer it takes you to crush this enemy the larger the enemy seems”

“Anger and emotions are strategically counterproductive, you must always stay calm and objective”

“Greed does not pay”

Sorry its unfinished for now.  Sorry for grammar and font setup for now.  Will come back and fix one day soon!



Andre VIllanueva Blog Update



To all my currency subscribers/viewers.

This being my first blog I ever started blog I figured I dabble in a few things until I find my niche. What you can probably expect out of me currently are reviews on multiple services and software, advice, programming stuff, life, Andre personal stuff, news on subjects that’s interesting to me, and opinionated articles on current events. You can expect my blog posts to be short and straight to the point. I will try and focus on articles being no more than a page for right now and will try and post 1-2 a week.


Feel free to message me with feedback and concerns. Hope I can be helpful and you enjoy the content I put out.